Even if you are reviled to replace your existing entrance mat, then imagine the many other areas a logo mat can be placed, such as in front of a reception desk, in training areas, in the board
room, waiting rooms or by vending machines. The reason for doing this is that a we ll designed logo mat will have a good impact on your visitors and employees alike.
A logo mat bears an image, a message, or both that the company wants to put opposite to those who walk over it. The most general uses of logo mat are to boost company branding, achieved by highlighting the company name and logo, or to use as a friendly greeting, a simple 'Welcome to....' for example.
A beautiful logo mat will boost the building environment, both by the way it looks and by the impression it gives to visitors and employees. It will also enhance the sense of professionalism about a company, especially when incorporated with corporate branding.
Logo mats profits are not simply derived from the aesthetics however. They also offer a function, that being the exclusion of dirt and moisture from people's footwear as they

walk over the mat. A successful mat will hold the dirt and moisture within the mat, thus preventing it from being tracked any further into the building. It will defend the surface beneath the mat on top of the floors and carpets surrounding the mat. By performing these tasks the mat will also save on cleaning costs inside the building owing to the fact there will be less dirt to eliminate inside the building because of cleaner footwear.
Buying your mat should be a candid process if you want a good supplier. Have an idea of what you wish your mat to look like and then provide your logo in an electronic format for replication on the mat. You should always target to go for the largest size of mat that the area will allow for two grounds. Firstly the mat will have extra prospects of being seen and hence more option of conveying your message. Secondly, the more steps a person has on the mat, the further dirt and moisture the mat will eliminate.
Pick a mat with rubber backing and a twisted nylon pile construction, as this will guarantee that the mat is really durable. Coir mats and vinyl backed mats may look grand when you first acquire them, but are likely to a 'worn path' look or splitting. A high-quality logo mat, in a high foot traffic area, can be likely to last for a fine ten years or more. Seek a guarantee that this will be the situation; or else you will want a replacement of it very much sooner than you may think.